Simplify your processes with our AI for
commerce, finance and identity validation

AI Commerce illustration

Human-like Contextual Conversation

Chat without limits using natural language and get personalized responses instantly. Forget about waiting in line!

Image and Voice Search

Our AI agent analyzes your image and shows you a personalized selection of products through an interactive WhatsApp catalog.

Smart Recommendations

Enhance your customers' experience with our intelligent recommendations when searching by concept.

Our standards for data security
and protection are certified

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Ensures access control to sensitive data, simplifies the audit process, ensures compliance with regulations and standards.

ISO 27001 Certification

Ensures access control to sensitive data, simplifies the audit process, ensures compliance with regulations and standards.

PCI DSS Standard

We guarantee security and trust based on industry data security standards.

GDPR Compliance

We strictly adhere to regulations ensuring the protection of personal data and financial transactions.

The largest catalog of agents to enable transactions #InChat

KYC Verification

We validate customer identity by collecting, verifying data and performing biometric checks.

Proceso de validación KYC mostrando la verificación de identidad con documentos oficiales y reconocimiento facial

Electronic Signature

Sign documents, contracts and more from anywhere without leaving WhatsApp.

Interfaz de firma electrónica integrada en WhatsApp, mostrando el proceso de firma digital de documentos

Credit Assessment

Integrate multiple credit bureau APIs, credit assessment engines and fintech solutions in our Marketplace.

Sistema de evaluación crediticia mostrando análisis de puntaje crediticio y métricas financieras

Secure Payments

Send and receive payments securely with our payment service without leaving WhatsApp.

Sistema de procesamiento de pagos integrado en WhatsApp mostrando transferencias seguras y confirmaciones de pago

Partnering with companies
leading the market

We offer innovative and customized solutions, thanks to our strategic collaborations with market leaders.

Diagrama de alianzas estratégicas mostrando la integración de Jelou con empresas líderes como IBM, SAP, Facephi y Huawei

Ready to take your
E-Commerce to the next level with AI?

Request a personalized demo today!

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E-commerce AI demonstration